The Little Prince Art Collection @ The Fullerton

Yes, I have 3 copies of the same book lying at home.


We bought our first copy of Le Petit Prince from one of the bouquinistes along the banks of river Seine, while on honeymoon in Paris. A french version, no less.

Wayne (accidentally) ordered another copy of the French version of Le Petit Prince in hardcover as a Christmas present for Laurent when I was still pregnant.

And just before Laurent’s arrival, we finally bought an English version (in case you’re wondering, no we can’t read French, but we’re hoping to learn one day!) and I remember reading the story to Laurent over and over again during our first month together.

And I found the story of The Little Prince so beautiful and meaningful, it became the theme of Laurent’s baby shower.

So when I know of The Little Prince Art Collection @ The Fullerton, I was really excited and kept telling Wayne that we need to go!

After service today, I was checking for child-friendly places to eat on bumblebeemum’s blog (she has a very extensive, and growing, list which I always turn to when I need lunch inspiration) and her post on the art exhibition popped up, which reminded me that the exhibition is ending on 1 June!

We settled for lunch at The Landing Point and I insisted that I want to wait for Laurent to wake up from his nap before we head to the exhibition. I’m not sure whether it’s the comfy sofa or he was just too tired from playing at the crèche in church, he took a reallllyyyy long nap today.


He woke up just before tea time and we finally made it to the exhibition.

The exhibition is part of VOILAH! 2015: French Cultural Festival in Singapore. It showcases 14 hand-painted sculptures representing the major characters from The Little Prince.

It is a pretty small exhibition which you can easily cover in 15 mins or less, but you can also choose to take all the time in the world to reflect upon the simple but thought-provoking words of Antoine de Saint Exupéry.

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If you haven’t already, I urge you to read The Little Prince.

Buy it, and read it every once in a while. Because it is one of those books which inspires you in different ways when you are at different stages of your life.

And read it from cover to cover, don’t miss a single page. Because one of my favourite quotes from the book, is found in the dedication page.

“All grown-ups were children first. (But few of them remember it.)”

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