[Homebound] Bathroom Cleaning with Method and Full Circle

I’ll be completely honest here – I’ve always regarded bathroom cleaning as a dirty job.

So for the first 2 years of having our own place, Wayne had been the one stuck with this item on our list of chores. During my maternity leave last year, I thought I’d try to do as much of the housework as I can so that Wayne can spend more time with Laurent, especially during the precious weekends. That was when I started cleaning our bathrooms and I’ve been trying to find ways to make bathroom cleaning less painless and time-consuming since.

Like I mentioned in my Kitchen Cleaning post, having the right tools and products on hand will help to cut cleaning time and make the cleaning process much more enjoyable.

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[Homebound] Kitchen Clean-up With Method & Full Circle

How did you spend your long weekend?

We managed to catch some fresh air in the park after breakfast last Friday morning and spent the rest of the day giving our home a major deep cleaning. It was seriously back-breaking, but absolutely rewarding 🙂 I took the chance to take photos of part of the process (incl before & after photos) and I can’t wait to share with you a little tip on making your chrome shower fittings shine like BRAND NEW! But that will have to wait till the bathroom cleaning post of the series 😉

Since we were just showing you guys our kitchen in the previous post, I thought it will be useful for me to share about our kitchen cleaning routine. It’s nothing revolutionary, I’m just sharing some of the products I use to make the cleaning process more enjoyable and some gentle reminders on areas we tend to miss out during our cleaning.

Last Saturday, I offered to make breakfast and we had a very simple brunch with bread, jam and butter, all freshly churned out from the kitchen. I’m quite embarrassed to say but when I’m the one prepping food in the kitchen, it looks like a tornado just past through. And I still haven’t gotten around to practicing cleaning-as-I-cook. So after the (simple) meal, there is still a lot of things to clean up.

Here’s a look at the cleaning process!

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[Homebound] Kitchen Tour and Organisation

I’m back again with my [Homebound] series (I hope I’m not the only one getting excited about it)! This time, I will be sharing with you what our kitchen looks like, changes we made to the originally fitted kitchen layout/ carpentry and how we organise some of our kitchen items 🙂

PLUS, a discount code and giveaway for Method and Full Circle cleaning products!!

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